The waters around Eglin’s Main Base and range area are now considered RESTRICTED.  The  restricted area includes six specific waterways open for ID Card holders and guests with a visitor’s pass only.  The posture change comes due to identified emerging air and waterborne threats against defense installations. Based on these security concerns, the 96th Test Wing commander deemed it necessary the waterways conform to the same security posture as Eglin’s land areas.  Additional information and maps outlining restricted waterways can be found here:  https://www.eglin.af.mil/News/Article-Display/Article/4075380/eglin-waterways-now-considered-restricted/.


Effective 11 Feb 2025, Eglin Range Road (RR) 213 between RR747 and RR257 through the western range complex is CLOSED to all recreational and public through-traffic.  Road use is restricted to military test and training mission traffic only.  Violation of this Installation Commander Order will result in issuance of a Federal Magistrate citation and/or an Eglin AFB Outdoor Recreation privilege suspension.

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