All visitors,16 YOA or older, to the Eglin reservation must have an Eglin permit and photo ID.
Make sure to check the PAM before coming onto the Eglin reservation.
Do you like finding hidden things? Exploring areas you've never been to following breadcrumb hints? Have you tried geocaching?
Check this guide for more information about geocaching: Geocaching 101
Have you found this one yet? Hint (Somewhere at Jackson Guard...)
Eglin prohibits any soil disturbance on the reservation, so all geocaches need to be above-ground. Geocaching should have minimal impact on the environment and you should always be conscientious about land use ethics. Pay special attention when searching to not come in contact with UXO. Only search in OPEN Areas. Access to Closed Areas is prohibited.
Always let somebody know where you are going and when you plan to return. Plan your trip well, know the route and road conditions. Pack water and supplies that you may need: extra batteries for your GPS, cell phone, map, etc.