All visitors,16 YOA or older, to the Eglin reservation must have proof of an Eglin permit and photo ID.

An IT service interruption will affect the Public Access Map (PAM) May 3-6. Reservation users should abide by the forecasted closures on these dates until the interruption is resolved. Forecasted daily closures for these dates will also be available by calling 850-882-0007.

Reservation Access Times
Access to MOST portions of the Eglin Reservation is allowed two hours before sunrise until two hours after sunset, unless on official business.  However, all Eglin public beaches and some Recreation Areas (ex: White Point) allow public access from sunrise to sunset only, as specified by area signage.

Remember: The PAM is automatically updated at regular intervals each day to reflect closures due to mission status.  Eglin users should check the PAM the night before planned activities AND the morning of planned activities to confirm open/closed status. 

To view the PAM: Click Here
NOTE:  If you click on the link and the current date is not showing on the PAM, you need to refresh your screen by pressing F5 or clear your search engines browsing history.

If the current PAM is unavaliable call (850) 882-0007 for the current TTA closures.